USAC - 30 Photos from Around the World

Gallery Show
2017 USAC Photo Contest
winning photographs
What do you do when you’re a study abroad office and you’re looking for the best photos from around the world? You turn to your students who are out experiencing the world and all its beauty.
USAC students from our 50+ programs have submitted their favorite photos from their time abroad that are unique, show the impact study abroad can have on an individual or a community, or just epitomize life abroad. The result was amazing! It was hard to pick, but here are 30 of our favorites.
“After sorting through over 500 photos, we finally found our winners! We had so many great entries, we couldn’t just pick 10. Our top five winners are accompanied by 15 honorable mentions, as can be seen below. Four judges from the University of Nevada, Reno, helped us make our choice: Foundation Professor of Art Peter Goin; Executive Director of Northern Nevada International Center Dr. Carina Black; Dean of College of Liberal Arts Debra Moddelmog; and Reynolds School of Journalism Assistant Professor and previous Visiting Professor, Dr. Todd Felts.””
— From Wolf Pack Around the World Photo Contest
2017 Exhibition dates:
May 15-December 31, 2017 - @One
University of Nevada, Reno
June 1-30, 2017 - Sierra Arts Gallery, Reno, Nevada
July 1-October 31, 2017 - McNamara Gallery, Church Fine Arts, University of Nevada, Reno
5th Place Image:
Honorable mentions:

Photographer based in Munich, Germany